Practice Area:

Growth to Exit®

Make room for a trusted voice at the table.

You have spent years, experienced sleepless nights and suffered the pains and celebrated the joys of owning and growing your own business. Now it may be time to realize the fruits of your labor and position your company for transition, either to sell or pass on to the next generation. Do you know what prospective purchasers or private equity investors look for when seeking companies to acquire?

Private owners or executives frequently need help in five critical areas that impact growth and valuations:


contract review, corporate governance, risk management

Finance & Accounting

review of capital and debt structure, A/R needs, growth capital needs, audits, ICFR

Human Capital

HR policies/procedures, compensation aligned with roles, compliance

Sales & Marketing

sales process, compensation, marketing and messaging alignment

IT & IP Systems

operating software, cybersecurity, information security, disaster recovery plan

When best practices are embedded in each of these five areas of your company, a potential buyer or investor is more likely to increase the enterprise value of your business. As your Growth to Exit® advisors, we provide strategic business and legal advice in these areas to prepare your company for a sale or transition.

We analyze your business model and practices and then engage with you to develop a strategy and implementation plan that clearly defines the goals, expected outcomes and execution. Shields has been the trusted voice at the table for many private clients, family offices, and middle market companies transitioning through growth and exit. We help you plan for sustainable growth and guide you through the complexities of generational issues and succession planning.

The mission of Shields Legal is to bring strategic business insight, professional judgment and competence to your company’s business and legal issues.